Summer 2014 - Resiliency Reader Index

Featured articles include: • Molly's Corner — a few words from our Director • From Torture to Forgiveness (Book Review of Unbroken) • Cultural Context Inventory (Assessment tool) • Research Question of the Quarter • Resiliency Quote of the Quarter • Special Note • Read the emailed version of Resiliency Reader.

Cultural-Context Inventory

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The Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication annually draws participants from across the globe. It is the awareness that different cultures have different social norms that will allow us to interact successfully with each other. A little bit of empathy toward people with other backgrounds goes a long way in breaking down barriers to intercultural communication.

The Cultural-Context Inventory, developed by Claire B. Halverson, has been used widely to help people assess their own tendencies toward high- or low-context cultural interactions. The Inventory helps a person recognize behaviors and attitudes that could be at odds with those around them. Knowledge of such can help you thoughtfully choose to act in any given situation in order to reach a goal or resolution.

We invite you to take the assessment as a PDF download or, online through an interactive form (courtesy the University of the Pacific) and discuss what your results mean to you (in our online forum) and how you can relate it to your own personal resiliency.

From Torture to Forgiveness - Review of Unbroken

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Louis Zamperini was the subject of the #1 best seller, Unbroken, by Laura Hillebrand, and the subject of a movie to be released in December directed by Angelina Jolie. If ever there was a man who symbolized resiliency, Louis was that man.

Growing up in Torrance, California, Louis seemed to be headed for a life of crime. Then he discovered running and set a national high school mile record in 1934 that stood for 20 years. He met Adolf Hitler at the Berlin Olympics in 1936 and finished eighth in the 5000. In 1938, he set a national collegiate mile record that stood for 15 years.

But after transitioning from USC track star to WWII airman, he matured and showed great courage as his plane was peppered by flak. After various missions, his plane was shot down in the Pacific. His route was unknown and soon he was listed as dead. While one of his two fellow survivors seemed bent on giving up after weeks adrift in a raft, he found creative ways to capture water, birds and fish and to avoid bullets from a Japanese fighter who made repeated runs at them. The bullets put holes in the raft, encouraging the aggressive sharks that had been circling. The sharks organized an attack, leaping onto the sinking raft. The very weak but determined men beat off the sharks repeatedly with oars.

They calculated their drift and accurately predicted when they would arrive at an island. By the time they did, the three were emaciated, having survived a record 47 days at sea.

After a supportive captain helped them, they were sent to Execution Island where it was clear all previous captured Americans had met their death. With diarrhea, vermin and little food and water making their health all the worse, they were separated and tortured. Only Louis' Olympics fame kept the Japanese from executing him.

Once he returned home, our hero was unable to sleep through the night — often for even less than an hour — without nightmares. After years of struggle, he heard a sermon by Billy Graham and reported never having a nightmare again.

He returned to Japan not long after to confront the prison guards who so cruelly mistreated him. And to their stunned surprise, he forgave them.

He worked in commercial real estate and was very active physically, running, mountain climbing and even skateboarding. He and his wife raised a son and daughter. He wrote a memoir, Devil at My Heels, lectured frequently and lived with vigor until dying this year at age 97.

He was quite an inspiration.

Order Unbroken from Amazon

Order Devil at My Heels from Amazon

(Review provided by Glen Fahs, PhD, Lead Facilitator, Al Siebert Resiliency Center) © Al Siebert Resiliency Center
PO Box 505
Portland, Oregon 97207 USA

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