Resiliency Reader - Fall 2018
Welcome to the Fall 2018 edition of the Resiliency Reader eNewsletter brought to you by the Al Siebert Resiliency Center.
We hope you will find the information and articles below useful in your quest to become more resilient. We've added a new feature: Resiliency in the News with a few items that have come to our awareness. Please join in the conversation either at our online forum, or by submitting your article, review, upcoming event or other resiliency-related resources to us for possible publication via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We encourage your submissions!
Table of Contents
- Molly's Corner: A few words from our Director - Quantum House Resiliency Summit 2018: Brazil!
- The Blind Baker (article by Glen Fahs )
- The Value of Pain (article by Michelle Atlas)
- The Resiliency of Stephen Hawking (tribute by Glen Fahs)
- Resiliency in the News: A random listing of interesting articles about resiliency found recently on the web.
- Quote of the Quarter
- Question of the Quarter
- Worthwhile Read: Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandburg
- Upcoming Events: Quantum House Resiliency Summit - São Paulo, Brazil, 9-11 November 2018
- Mailing List options
Molly's Corner:
Happy 2018 Fall Season!
The fall season is a time of invigoration, stimulation and excitement and the Al Siebert Resiliency Center is actively invigorated, stimulated and excited! The entire team from the ASRC has been invited to Claudia Riecken's Quantum House "Resiliency Summit 2018: Freedom" Conference in São Paulo, Brazil, November 9-11, 2018. (Original version in Portuguese)
I take great pride in saying that a portion of the Conference will be honoring my late husband, Al Siebert, a person ahead of his time regarding resiliency and being mentally healthy. Kristin Pintarich (Al's niece and assistant) and I will be interviewed by Al's longtime friend, Glen Fahs, reminiscing about Al and his life. Glen and Michelle Atlas will be speakers along with other international speakers on related resiliency topics at the conference.
Claudia and Al had a long-term friendship developing their coaching careers and mentoring others to be resilient and mentally healthy. Their close relationship spanned continents and involved wonderful concepts and ideas to help each of them succeed in their life's work. Since Al's passing, Claudia has been very supportive of me and the Al Siebert Resiliency Center. This is because of her tremendous belief in (and love of) Al's work, and the work on resiliency that Glen and Michelle provide by wrapping Al's resiliency research into current concepts.
While you may have a desire to attend in person, we recognize that not everyone is able to get to Sao Paulo in two months. We are working on providing international web access to the summit, and plan to have it translated into Portuguese, Spanish, and English. We'll send out an announcement with those details soon. We also will have some of the sessions recorded and available for purchase after the conference. Meanwhile, you may view this promotional video for the event to get you inspired! (Note: The first 5:30 is in Portuguese. The speakers are featured at the 8:00 mark).
We hope to see you there!
~ Molly Siebert, Director, Al Siebert Resiliency Center
"My life sings of connections with life, spirit and you!"

The Blind Baker
~ by Glen Fahs, PhD
Often we look at a disabled artist or athletic star who have had to overcome great barriers and wish we were so amazing. Sometimes that special person is someone just down the street from us who refuses to be dependent. One such bright light is Carina Comer who had a brain tumor when she was a baby that left her blind in one eye and sight-impaired in the other. When the tumor returned at age 7, her parents kept their rage and resentment private, and never allowed their daughter to... READ MORE

The Value of Pain
~ by Michelle Atlas
When you experience emotional pain what do you do?
Do you turn toward it, or away from it?
Do you respect it or are you ashamed?
Do you talk about it or hide it?
and... the most important question we can ask is...
Can we allow our pain to soften our defenses, so that we can live from love rather than from fear?

The Resiliency of Stephen Hawking
~ by Glen Fahs, PhD
At the age of 21, Stephen Hawking suffered one of the worst diseases known to humanity: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gerhig's disease. He was predicted to live only two more years, five at the outside, and yet, despite losing almost all physical control, he lived until he was 76 and better than anyone, helped the world understand the mysteries of the universe. Why? How? READ MORE
New Feature: Resiliency in the News!

A random listing of interesting articles about resiliency found recently on the web.
- Resiliency Best Way to Cope with Long-Lasting Psychological Effects of Florence ~ "Some traumatic events are short lasting — a tornado roars in and then is gone. ... 'In many traumatic events, we see peaks and valleys,' said UAB clinical psychologist Josh Klapow, Ph.D. ... 'The effects of Florence, however, aren't moving on, which means for those in the affected areas, resiliency is key.'" (source: Bob Shepard, UAB News, University of Alabama - Birmingham)
- Six Ways to Beat the Back-to-Work Blues by Building Resilience ~ "We are all faced with obstacles at work, and sometimes just going back to work after a holiday can feel like a challenge. We might be faced with a backlog of work, new targets or systems, or looming deadlines....One way we can deal with all this is to build our resilience." (source: Holly Blake, University of Nottingham, The Conversation)
- The Road to Resilience ~ ".... Can you do anything else to build resilience besides changing your choice of words? Certainly! Here are a few guidelines for you." (source: Linda Sapadin, Ph.D,
- Resilience and Sustainability - An Inextricable Pair ~ "For family enterprise owners, providing a sense of steadiness at the helm with a clear vision, mission, and strategic plan for their holdings is essential but no longer sufficient for their journeys. Families who are able to grow (or even maintain) their enterprises must also have the ability to be agile, to be resilient." (source: Fredda Herz Brown, contributor, Forbes magazine )
- Cadets take Resiliency to 'HeART' in Castle Rock [Colorado] ~ "'HeART-C, the Helping Agency Resiliency Team for Cadets is crucial to ensuring individual and team readiness, resilience and overall Cadet Wing health,' said Capt. Dillon Small, director of Outreach and Prevention at the Peak Performance Center. ... HeART-C aligns the Academy's helping agencies to strengthen cadets' mental, physical, social and spiritual well being." (source: Tech. Sgt. Tabitha Lee, US Air Force Academy Public Affairs)
- The Boys from the Cave: The Case for Resilience ~ Relating to the soccer team in Thailand that was rescued from a flooded cave, "A concern is whether there may be long lasting psychological damage. ... This may prove to be a story of resilience as much as or more than a story of trauma." (source: Daniel P. Keating, PhD, Psychology Today )
- Learning about Life, Resilience from Refugees ~ "We could each find a million excuses to give up, to escape from our misery, thinking that we carry the heaviest burden in life. Let's all look instead to the resilience of refugees." (source: Adella Anna Pratiwi, The Jakarta Post)
- Resilience Important Aspect of Improved QOL for Myeloma ~ "A high level of resilience — or a person's ability to adapt to adversity — was associated with a better mental and physical health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among patients with multiple myeloma and its precursor diseases, according to the results of a study published in BMJ Open." (source: Leah Lawrence, Cancer Network)
Resiliency Quote of the Quarter:

~ Anna Quindlen, author, journalist, and opinion columnistThe thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.
Quote source: 1999 Mount Holyoke College Commencement Speech. Ms. Quindlen turned this philosophy into a book released in 2005, Being Perfect (Random House).
Research Question of the Quarter:
Pulling from Michelle Atlas' article on the " Value of Pain,"
“What do you do when you experience emotional pain?”
Worthwhile Read:
Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandburg
Hard cover, 240 pages, ISBN: 978-1524732684. © 2017 Knoff.
After the sudden death of her husband, Sheryl Sandberg felt certain that she and her children would never feel pure joy again. "I was in "the void," she writes, "a vast emptiness that fills your heart and lungs and restricts your ability to think or even breathe." Her friend Adam Grant, a psychologist at Wharton, told her there are concrete steps people can take to recover and rebound from life-shattering experiences. We are not born with a fixed amount of resilience. It is a muscle that everyone can build.
Option B combines Sheryl's personal insights with Adam's eye-opening research on finding strength in the face of adversity.
(Recommended by Lisa Ashburn)
Join us in Brazil in November!
Quantum House
"Resiliency Summit 2018: Freedom" Conference
São Paulo, Brazil,
9-11 November 2018
Venue: Casa Petra (in Portuguese -- site too complex for google translate)
Resiliency Summit Registration and Information (English) / (Portuguese)
ASRC contact information
The Resiliency Reader is published by the Al Siebert Resiliency Center.
You may contact us at PO Box 505, Portland, OR 97207-0505 USA, or 1-503-289-3295 x2
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