Resiliency Reader - Winter 2020
Welcome to the Winter 2020 edition of the Resiliency Reader eNewsletter brought to you by the Al Siebert Resiliency Center.
We hope you will find the information and articles below useful in your quest to become more resilient. Please join in the conversation on our FACEBOOK page. We encourage your submissions!
Table of Contents
- Molly's Corner: An article submission from our Director: Resiliency Principles and Innovation
- Learning To Be More Resilient (article by Glen Fahs)
- From Darkness to Diamonds (article and invitation by Michelle Atlas)
- Resiliency in the News: A random listing of interesting articles about resiliency found recently on the web.
- Quote of the Quarter
- Resiliency Coaching Check-Up
- Question of the Quarter
- Worthwhile Reads
- Upcoming Events: Learning to Shine - Feb. 2020 (Short Course), NYC and Online - registration ends soon!
- Mailing List options

Molly's Corner:
This edition, I decided to submit an article on Resiliency Principles and Innovation as seen through the teachings of the late Dr Al Siebert's published work, The Survivor Personality. These thoughts and concepts are fundamental to all of one's life applications to succeed in a plan, creating a successful and applicable idea or a field.
The training from our partners in Brazil, at Quantum House, will teach you the innovation theory and concepts at a higher evolved level but I, as Dr. Siebert did, think that the following concepts are easy to attain and are essential for innovation. READ MORE
~ Molly Siebert, Director, Al Siebert Resiliency Center
"My life sings of connections with life, spirit and you!"

Learning To Be More Resilient
~ by Glen Fahs, PhD
The world has discovered the importance of resiliency. But few know how to develop resiliency skills and attitudes. Here are some approaches for your consideration:
It starts with the decision not to be a victim. No matter how awful life's turns, there are always positive paths to pursue. The first idea that we choose to focus on when an accident or loss occurs, minor or serious, is, "How can I make constructive steps to head me in best direction?" And except in some rare situations such as ... READ MORE
From Darkness to Diamonds
~ by Michelle Atlas
Being lowered down into a deep, dark mine. You're going down.
There is an interruption of "The way things are." You can't see where you're going! It's frightening and mysterious.
What are you going to discover in this darkness?
Your psyche is roaring with resistance! Everything is coming apart.
Yet as you descend, within the deepest darkness, you notice what appears to be the glimmer of DIAMONDS.
Each magnificent, sparkling gem begins to speak to you.
Register for Learning to Shine
Resiliency in the News!

A random listing of interesting articles about resiliency found recently on the web.
- Teaching Resilience in the Face of Climate Change
By Janine Zeitlin, New York Times - In the age of burnout, how companies keep their employees coming back. By Annabelle Timsit, Quartz (Google)
- Saanich police undergo mandatory training for mental health support and building resilience. By Clare Hennig, CBC News
- Recipe For Resilience: PichaEats Aims To Keep Refugee Children In School Through Food. by Pamela Ambler, Forbes. Program helps Syrian refugees to Malayasia
- FSU students use resilience training for global impact. By Kara Irby, Florida State University News
- Project unveils tips for building resilience in young people. By Bill Buley, The Garden Island (Kauai, Hawaii)
- How Resilience Training Can Help Distressed Employees. by Dina Gerdeman, Forbes. Introduces readers to Hapify — an online resiliency building tool
- Resiliency with Major Brown and Family. Special Tactics Training Squadron Director of Operations, Major Gabriel Brown, sits down with his family and talks about resiliency. Video by Airman Christopher Storer, 11.14.2019, Defense visual information distribution service, Cannon AFB, New Mexico.
- Inspired by Husband's Cancer Diagnosis, Woman Devotes Website to Telling Other People's Stories of Resilience. The Good News Network. (Check out the other inspiring stories across this site!)
- What Kiwi the Cockatiel Could Teach You About Mindfulness. By Heather Finlay-Morreale, The Mighty
- These factors that contribute to resiliency, can be learned. By Stephanie Haney, WKYC Cleveland, Ohio (#WeKnowYouCan)
Resiliency Quote of the Quarter:

~I ChingIt is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are, without any self-deception or illusion, that a light will develop out of the events, by which the path to success may be recognized.
I Ching entry on Wikipedia

"Fortify Your Resiliency" Coaching Package
Whether you are growing a business/career, navigating retirement, leaving a relationship, changing jobs, acclimating to a change in health status or even a death, allowing change to transform you requires courage. We are now offering individual coaching packages to help you grow your own resiliency. LEARN MORE
Research Question of the Quarter:
Pulling from Michelle Atlas' article "From Darkness to Diamonds,"
“Does the word BREAKDOWN scare you?”
Worthwhile Reads:
Spiral Dynamics in Action: Humanity's Master Code by Prof. Don Edward Beck, Teddy Hebo Larsen, et al
Soft cover, 296 pages, ISBN: 978-1119387183. © 2018 Wiley.
(From the back cover:) Now, Spiral Dynamics in Action gives business leaders a fresh look at developing extraordinary teams through a powerful system based on human values and the reasons why ideas, behaviors and styles spread in a culture. This practical guide is all you need to:
- Truly reconnect a fragmented workspace
- Open ways for teams to unleash their collective strengths to accomplish a goal
- Master the science-based approach to leading for maximum impact
- Simplify the economic and commercial shifts complicating today's business practices
Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change by Don Edward Beck and Christopher C. Cowan
Soft cover, 352 pages, ISBN: 978-1405133562. © 1996 Wiley-Blackwell.
A classic, Spiral Dynamics introduces a new model for plotting the enormous economic and commercial shifts that are making contemporary business practice so complex and apparently fragmented. Focusing on cutting-edge leadership, management systems, processes, procedures, and techniques, the authors synthesize changes such as: Increasing cultural diversity, creating powerful new social responsibility initiatives, and hearlding the arrival of a truly global marketplace. This is an inspiring book for managers, consultants, strategists, and leaders planning for success in the business world in the 21st century.
Upcoming Events
• Want to Learn How to Shine in the Dark? (Short Course)
Whether change has arrived as an unanticipated external event, such as a job loss, a relationship ending, a death, illness, or natural disaster, or you are heeding a call from deep within to create a change, this course will help you mine the diamonds in the darkness, so you can use tough times as a gateway to a richer, more meaningful and ultimately vibrant life. Join Al Siebert Resiliency Center Resiliency Facilitator Michelle Atlas to explore:
- What resilience is, and how to move from surviving to thriving
- The value of pain and what happens when we do not grieve
- The five levels of resilience (per the resilience model developed by the late Al Siebert, Ph.D.)
- The power of faith, curiosity, embodiment and self-love to transfigure us through tough times beyond anything we could imagine
Dates: Wednesdays, February 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Eastern)
Available by:
- Attend In-Person (New York City) or
- Join by Videoconference or
- Download Recordings post event
• Join us for Resiliency Innovation 2020 in Brazil!
Propelling forward the momentum of the 2018 Quantum House Resiliency Freedom Summit the ASRC would like to announce, the "Resiliency Summit 2020: Innovation" to be held in June 2020 (tentative), in Brazil's Amazonia. With the recent rainforest fires, this area of the world badly needs innovation. We will be asking for your ideas. Meanwhile, read Molly's article on Resiliency Principles and Innovation, and watch this space for more information on the 2020 Summit.
View / purchase videos from Resiliency 2018 Freedom! (run through google translate if needed.)
ASRC contact information
The Resiliency Reader is published by the Al Siebert Resiliency Center and Practical Psychology Press.
You may contact us at Practical Psychology Press, PO Box 535, Portland, OR 97207-0535 USA, or 1-503-289-3295 x2
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